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Thank you for joining me on this soul expansive journey! The Soul Collective show is a place where we navigate this human experience and raise our planetary frequency collectively. Together, we heal, grow, expand, and activate our own inner light by alchemizing programming to look outside ourselves, remembering the deep reservoir wisdom that resides within. On The Soul Collective, host Emily Ghosh Harris explores spirituality, entrepreneurship, law of attraction and elevated consciousness, connecting with global new thought leaders and providing actionable insights and tools to help transcend self-limiting beliefs, raise your personal vibration, and to shine bright!

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Brooklin Rayne is an Intuitive Channel, Heart Oracle and Quantum Healer. She has experienced many incarnations with the Sophia Christ collective, Lyran Sirian Whites, Oraphim, Ancient Pleiadians, and Hathors. Through her diamond sun crystal structure, she assists humans to return their original divine blueprint combined with their Christos template, allowing a fuller embodiment of the I AM presence and Unity consciousness.

Emily Ghosh Harris is a heart centered being and intuitive channel here to help humanity reconnect to their divine gifts, remember what it feels like to love themselves unconditionally and return to unity consciousness. She is passionate about helping individuals overcome mental matrices, activate their power as sovereign creator beings and align with their highest frequency timelines.

Brooklin and Emily are Co Creators of UniTea + Open to Transparency.