You are here for a reason. I’m willing to bet that you are a powerful creator, you have an enormous vision for what you want to build and you are deeply passionate about making a meaningful impact in the world. You are an artist, a coach, a healer, a visionary - someone who is dedicated to embodying your highest self and helping others to do the same.
Perhaps you’ve felt recently like you have so much you’d like to bring forward and create in your business and that, by working together with a mentor and guide, you will be able to soar to new heights of impact and success.
It my deepest passion to co-create alongside heart centered leaders, visionaries, oracles and new paradigm creators and to help you to transform your business, to grow and scale with ease and to fully shine your light in the world.
I deeply care about the clients I work with and it is my greatest honor and joy to help you to experience quantum leaps in your life and business.
During our journey together we focus not only on the foundational business building, but also the spiritual, mindset, emotional, and energetic mastery techniques to create long term transformation and to launch and accelerate your divine path of service.

→ You would like support and clarity to move forward with your divine purpose
→ You are feeling stuck growing your conscious business, hesitant about being fully seen online and you would like help creating a holistic formula to market, grow sustainably and attract dream clients.
→ You are focused, creative and passionate about using your gifts and talents for a higher purpose.
→ You’re ready to take quantum leaps in your life and business. You have a big vision and exciting dreams for yourself and humanity and would like help with bringing those desires into physical form.

With a Masters Degree in Business and over 15 years of experience - Emily assists clients in taking quantum leaps in their lives and businesses, by bringing forward their most authentic and creative expression. Through the integration of astrology, numerology, self-inquiry and energy healing techniques, Emily helps clients to deepen their understanding of their divine blueprint, connect with their purpose and address any blocks of resistance which may show up. She combines these tools with innovative and aligned business and marketing strategies to help clients gain clarity and confidence around visibility, creating abundance and fully shining their light in the world.
If you’ve found me here, I’m willing to bet that you are a powerful creator, you have an enormous vision for what you want to build and you are deeply passionate about making a meaningful impact in the world.
What you probably have realized by now is that your business is a direct reflection of YOU and your Energy.
In our work together, we’ll create systems for maximizing your energy, we’ll tackle and reprogram any limiting beliefs (overcoming fear and magnetizing courage and confidence), and we’ll create a business and marketing blueprint that will transform your business, help you scale with ease and fully shine your light in the world.